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Helping Wildlife
One Trip at a Time.

Caretta Inspired Journeys

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     Voted our top destination - secure this trip now!    

Polar Bears, Bowhead Whales, Walruses and More!

This expedition will focus on the diversity of north Spitsbergen's stunning landscapes, vast spans of sea ice, and the many opportunities to spot iconic
Arctic wildlife such as whales, Polar Bears, seabirds, Walruses and Reindeer.

We will sail for 8 days/7 nights aboard the Plancius, a
293-foot research vessel that was fully rebuilt in 2009.
It accommodates 108 passengers in quadruple and
twin rooms, each with private shower and toilet.


The ship will embark from Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway on the evening of June 10, and returns to port on the morning of June 17. 

Become a member ($60/year)
to save 10% on this trip!

Ship & Trip Details

Our Ship


The Plancius, is a 293-foot research vessel that was fully rebuilt in 2009. It accommodates 108 passengers in quadruple and twin rooms, each with private shower and toilet.


The ship will embark from, and return to  Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway .

Land excursions will be made via Zodiac raft. Knowledgeable guides will take advantage of wildlife opportunities and provide detailed information and lectures on wildlife, nature, and history. We will venture into the pack ice and along the remote shorelines of rugged north Spitsbergen for wildlife sightings. 

Rooming Options

There are three rooms to choose from, and each room has:

  • Private shower & toilet

  • Desk & chair

  • Flatscreen TV

  • Telephone & Wi-Fi 

  • Hair dryer

  • Ample storage space

Quadruple ("Quad") Rooms have 2 bunk beds.

Pothole Rooms have 2 twin beds.

Window Rooms have 2 twin beds.

Places We Plan to Visit


On the north coast of Spitsbergen, we will explore an expansive fjord spilling with glaciers, and may even be visited by Ringed and Bearded seals. The cliffs and shoreline at Hamiltonbukta support thriving seabird colonies including rare Brünnich's Guillemots. Here, we will possibly get our first sighting of Polar Bears

Ytre Norskøya

This small island was used for many years as a lookout point for Dutch whalers, and in fact, we can still follow their tracks to the summit of the island. The remains of 17th-century blubber ovens can also be seen near about 200 whaler’s graves. The north side of the island offers the rare opportunity to see Puffins near their breeding places, and there is even a small colony of Kittiwakes.

Monaco Glacier

Depending on the weather and sea ice, we will sail into Liefdefjorden, and land within sight of the 5-kilometer-long (3.1 miles) face of Monaco Glacier. The waters in front of the glacier are a favorite feeding spot for thousands of Kittiwakes, and the base of the ice is a popular Polar Bear hunting ground. 

Northwest of Raudfjord

We aim to sail into the pack ice outside the territorial waters of Svalbard, watching for Polar Bears and Greenland (Bowhead) Whales. As we sail into the Arctic Circle along and in the outer fringes of the ice edge, we will also look for Harp Seals, Hooded Seals, Polar Bears, and migrating seabirds like Little Auks, Brünnich’s Guillemots, and Kittiwakes. Previous voyages in this area have seen up to one hundred Bowhead Whales. We also have the chance to see Northern Bottlenose Whales and the first Fin Whales of the season. The pack ice sailing will be a highlight of this voyage and may take up to three days.

Forlandsundet, St. Johns Fjord, or Alkhornet

Walruses sometimes haul themselves out of the water to sun themselves in Forlandsundet at Poolepynten and seabirds nest on the cliffs. Here, Arctic Foxes search below for fallen eggs and chicks, and Reindeer graze the sparse vegetation.

What Moves Us

We enable people to build a deeper connection with nature
by traveling to beautiful and interesting places to help save wildlife.

It was the Loggerhead sea turtle - Caretta caretta is the scientific name -
that inspired our founder, Andy Brown, to create this nonprofit organization.

What Makes Us Special

We are a welcoming team of volunteers who share a passion for nature
and travel the world through
membership-based travel opportunities to help wild animals.

Helping Wildlife

We rescue cold stunned turtles,

protect turtle nests from predators,

guide hatchlings to the sea, track turtles with transmitters, collect data on nesting turtles, provide supplies for owl banding projects, and preserve boreal forest.

Beautiful Places

We have traveled to help wildlife in

Costa Rica, St. Croix, Belize,

Galapagos, Florida, the DelMarVa
Peninsula (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia),
the Carolinas,
Minnesota, and Cape Cod.

Who We Help

Our volunteer efforts and donations
assist grassroots conservation
organizations, established NGOs,
federal and local
wildlife agencies, and collaborate with university researchers. 

A Taste of Our Adventures:

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Community Scientists
Great Gray Owl
Nature Tours
Sea Turtle Conservation

Caretta Inspired Journeys - 5 Adventures

Home: What Moves Us


“We explored places from Rain Forests
to Oceans.
The guides were exceptional and knowledgeable, plus the food was always delicious and prepared locally.
We look forward to more adventures.”​

Joyce Baker

“My first trip was to St. Croix, USVI to observe leatherback sea turtles. That was an eye opener!!! We worked with scientists to collect data.


In Belize, we also learned about the jaguars in the jungle, the Belizean culture and geography.


If you are interested in learning about nature and helping scientists by volunteering your time, then this is
the perfect group for you!!!”  

Judy Mansfield


"I think over again my small adventures, 
For all the things I had to reach,
And yet, there is only one great thing;
To live to see the day that dawns,
and the light that fills the world"

Old Inuit Song

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